Out'n About! for Outlook

Use group policy edits to change for a server IP change

Symptom: If you want to deploy a server IP change to users using group policy changes. Solution: Change the registry values located here [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Intellicon\Out'n About! for Outlook\[user-email]] "Server Address"="" If this does not work you might be running 32 bit Office on a 64 bit machine and will need to look in the "Registry Reflection" nodes [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intellicon\Out'n About! for Outlook] "Server Address"="" Additional Solution: You can download this step-by-step Word document, replace {IP Address} in the instructions with the new server's IP address, and send this to your users.

Using .bat script when Server Address is stored under user’s email profile

Symptom: If you want to deploy a server IP change to users using group policy changes, but the key is stored in a user's email profile - as opposed to the standard location. Solution: Create a .bat script similar to this structure. Your specific environment may require some changes to this script: REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intellicon\Out'n About! for Outlook\%USERNAME%@[emaildomain.com]" /v "Server Address" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "" Additional Solution: You can download this step-by-step Word document, replace {IP Address} in the instructions with the new server's IP address,...

How to migrate Out’n About servers

Steps: Back up your database files OutAbout.wdb (user database) OutAbout.wdm (user contact information) OutAbout.wdh (user status history for reporting) Write down your Out'n About Registration key On the server, right click the system tray icon for Out'n About Server Monitor. Your registration key is available in the "About..." menu Install the newest version of Out'n About on your new server Overwrite the database files with your old server's database Test the new environment by migrating a small number of users ...

Install Out’n About! for Outlook Server on D: drive.

We default to the Program Files folder in Windows. You can manually move the Out'n About! service by doing the following: 1. Backup the Out'n About! server folder (just in case) 2. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator 3. Uninstall the existing service by running the following in the command prompt: sc delete OutAboutServer 4. Copy all of the files to the new file path where you want it to be installed 5. Install the service from the new location by running the following in...

I dragged an email into the Out’n About folder

To retrieve the email you may have accidentally added to the Out'n About folder, perform the following steps. Disable Out'n About Right click on the Out'n About! Folder in outlook and select properties Go to the Home Page tab and uncheck show homepage by default for this folder Click OK and close the properties window Click on the Out'n About! Folder. You will see the message and can now drag it to the inbox Open the out n about folder...

Out’n About! menu disappears when using Oracle calendar connector.

When you are using Oracle calendar connector and switch from the calendar explorer back to another explorer the Out'n About! menu disapears. This occurs because Oracle incorrectly deletes all Outlook temporary menus when switching from the calendar explorer. We have notified Oracle and hope they fix this problem in a future release. If you encounter this problem, please contact Oracle technical support and describe the problem. The Oracle addin corrupts ALL Outlook addins that use temporary menus!

Outlook crashes when running Out’n About! for Outlook.

It could be our code (we hate bugs), it could be a bad Outlook profile, or it could be a corrupt Outlook contact or folder item. To help us identify the issue we will need to know the offset in our software that caused the error. This information is usually available in the dialog that appears when the error occurs. For example, under Windows XP, you can select the 'What data does this error report contain?' link on the dialog to...

User’s cannot connect to the Out’n About! for Outlook Server

If user's cannot connect to the Out'n About! for Outlook Server and you are sure the service is running, you probably have a firewall that is not allowing TCP/IP port 23079 inbound on the server. Since there are so many firewall products available, we will only discuss the Windows Firewall built into Windows XP to Windows 10. If you are using another firewall product, contact your IT Administrator. To manually allow incoming traffic on TCP port 23079 for a machine running as an Out'n About! for...

Out’n About! folder is missing (cannot navigate to In/Out Board)

When Outlook starts, we search all folders within the default users' inbox parent folder for the existence of the Out'n About! folder before creating it since some users like to hide their complex folder trees and use Outlook shortcuts. It is possible that you deleted the Out'n About! folder and it is still sitting in your 'Deleted Items' folder or simply moved the folder where it is not visible on load. To recover from the deleted scenario, you either need to restore the deleted item...

Out’n About! addin does not load (the Out’n About! menu is not visible).

Note: Out'n About! for Outlook is installed as an administrative install, so the Out'n About! addin will not be visible in the Outlook Options dialog under 'COM Add-Ins...'. If you start Outlook and there is no Out'n About! menu, then addin has probably been disabled by Outlook. To re-enable the Out'n About! for Outlook addin, perform the following: Select "About Microsoft Office Outlook" from the Outlook "Help" menu. Click the "Disabled Items..." button. Select the "Out'n About! for Outlook (OutAboutOutlook.dll)" item. Click the "Enable" button. Restart Outlook. Another possibility is that...

Out’n About! DLL does not register (DllRegisterServer failed 0x80070005).

Symptom: When attempting to install the Out'n About! for Outlook Client, registering the DLL fails. This problem can be reproduced by running regsvr32.exe OutAboutOutlook.dll Regsvr32.exe fails with a message box displaying:            DllRegisterServer in OutAboutOutlook.dll failed. Return code was: 0x80070005 Cause: The error value '0x80070005' means 'Access Denied'. This means that an attempt has been made to update part of the registry that you do not have permissions to update. There are many parts of the registry that can be read but not updated (except by 'system' or the local administrator). Solution: Check that...