Out’n About for Outlook Client Version 4.1

Introducing Out'n About! for Outlook 4.1 We're thrilled to announce brand new enhancements to help you manage your workforce's current availability with Out'n About! for Outlook. Out'n About! for Outlook version 4.1 brings many optimizations to the venerable in/out status board platform. Completely rebuilt some modules to ensure the best user experience Improved and simpler Presence Sensing features Fix to 32/64bit installation issues More accurate Calendar Event status changing Enabled "Remove" button for previously saved Calendar Event Improved support for multiple Outlook calendars Improved Out...

Where’s my status board? I can’t see the status board when I click Department Panel

Its a very common question, and just one of the strange things about integrating with Outlook. In order to view the Out'n About! status board - please navigate to the "Out'n About!" folder. We automatically create this folder upon installation, and its usually located next to your existing Outlook folders like "Inbox", "Outbox", and so on. Tip: Right click the Out'n About folder here, and "Show in Favorites". Now the Out'n About folder will be at the top in your Favorite folder...

Is there an easy way to quickly search for a name on the Out’n About! board?

To search for a name on your Out'n About! board, quickly type the first few letters of the user's last name. If a matching name appears on your board, it will be highlighted. If you are unable to find a user's name on the Out'n About! board, make sure you have selected 'Everyone' from the Department List and you have cleared any filters. Note: this information, as well as other detailed information, is contained in the Out'n About! for Outlook User Manual. We strongly suggest that...


We firmly believe in and support our products 100%, but we understand that we can't be perfect for all offices. We are more than happy to provide a complete refund within 30 days of your original purchase. Before asking for a refund, please allow us to try and resolve any difficulties you are experiencing by opening a support ticket. Most issues with the Out'n About for Outlook are well known with effective fixes. We also offer free trials of our full...

What versions of Outlook are supported?

Out'n About! for Outlook is supported using: Outlook 2000* Outlook 2002/XP Outlook 2003 Outlook 2007 Outlook 2010 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2016 *For Outlook 2000 you must have at least Service Release 1a installed in order forOut'n About! to work correctly. We do not support any web-based email portal, like Outlook.com. Version 4+ of the Out'n About! Client is not compatible with Windows XP host operating system.

How do I change the Out’n About! options or default username?

In Out'n About! version 3.0 and before - Select the Outlook Tools... Options... menu and select the Out'n About! tab to bring up the Out'n About! for Outlook Options dialog. If you are running Outlook 2010 or newer, this screen has moved to the Out'n About top ribbon navigation, next to File, Home, Send/Recieve, etc. Next, look for the Department Panel and Refresh button. In the corner of that section is a small down arrow. Click that to access the Out'n About Options. If you are using version 4.0...

Use group policy edits to change for a server IP change

Symptom: If you want to deploy a server IP change to users using group policy changes. Solution: Change the registry values located here [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Intellicon\Out'n About! for Outlook\[user-email]] "Server Address"="" If this does not work you might be running 32 bit Office on a 64 bit machine and will need to look in the "Registry Reflection" nodes [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intellicon\Out'n About! for Outlook] "Server Address"="" Additional Solution: You can download this step-by-step Word document, replace {IP Address} in the instructions with the new server's IP address, and send this to your users.

Using .bat script when Server Address is stored under user’s email profile

Symptom: If you want to deploy a server IP change to users using group policy changes, but the key is stored in a user's email profile - as opposed to the standard location. Solution: Create a .bat script similar to this structure. Your specific environment may require some changes to this script: REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intellicon\Out'n About! for Outlook\%USERNAME%@[emaildomain.com]" /v "Server Address" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "" Additional Solution: You can download this step-by-step Word document, replace {IP Address} in the instructions with the new server's IP address,...

How to migrate Out’n About servers

Steps: Back up your database files OutAbout.wdb (user database) OutAbout.wdm (user contact information) OutAbout.wdh (user status history for reporting) Write down your Out'n About Registration key On the server, right click the system tray icon for Out'n About Server Monitor. Your registration key is available in the "About..." menu Install the newest version of Out'n About on your new server Overwrite the database files with your old server's database Test the new environment by migrating a small number of users ...

Install Out’n About! for Outlook Server on D: drive.

We default to the Program Files folder in Windows. You can manually move the Out'n About! service by doing the following: 1. Backup the Out'n About! server folder (just in case) 2. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator 3. Uninstall the existing service by running the following in the command prompt: sc delete OutAboutServer 4. Copy all of the files to the new file path where you want it to be installed 5. Install the service from the new location by running the following in...

I dragged an email into the Out’n About folder

To retrieve the email you may have accidentally added to the Out'n About folder, perform the following steps. Disable Out'n About Right click on the Out'n About! Folder in outlook and select properties Go to the Home Page tab and uncheck show homepage by default for this folder Click OK and close the properties window Click on the Out'n About! Folder. You will see the message and can now drag it to the inbox Open the out n about folder...